Level 1 - Final test

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Reception: Could you tell me your name, please?

Annie : My name is (1)____________.

Reception: How do you spell it?

Annie: That's (2) ________________________.

A. (1) Anni Hibert - (2) A-N-N-I H-I-B-E-R-T
B. (1) Annie Hibet - (2) A-N-N-I-E H-I-B-E-T
C. (1) Annie Hilbert - (2) A-N-N-I-E H-I-L-B-E-R-T
D. (1) Ann Hilbert - (2) A-N-N H-I-L-B-E-R-T

Sandra: Hi Emily, Where’re you going?

Emily: Good evening Sandra, I’m (1)__________ to the (2)________ , I will have dinner with my friend.

A. (1) going - (2) restaurant
B. (1) go - (2) library
C. (1) went - (2) police station
D. (1) am going to - (2) stadium

Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to an Irish restaurant.

It’s ________________ between the bookstore and the supermarket.

A. along the street
B. across the street
C. beside the street
D. opposite the street

I work as a salesperson .I always wake up at (1)________ in the morning. After washing my face and brushing my teeth, I have my breakfast at (2)_________. After that, I go to school by bus at (3)_________

A. (1) 8 o’clock - (2) 8:30 - (3) 6:50
B. (1) 7 o’clock - (2) 7:30 - (3) 7:50
C. (1) 7:30 - (2) 8 o’clock - (3) 8:50
D. (1) 8:30 - (2) 7 o’clock - (3) 9:50
How was Tony’s trip?
A. It was terrible.
B. It was so so.
C. It was really fun.
The weather was _________
A. warm and cloudy.
B. warm and sunny
C. cold and rainy.
How were the people?
A. The people were very friendly.
B. The people were rude but helpful.
C. The people weren’t really friendly.
What did Tony do during the vacation?
A. He went to the beach.
B. He slept at the hotel all day.
C. He did some sightseeing.
Did Tony eat expensive food?
A. Yes, he ate many kinds of food.
B. Yes, he ate at some delicious restaurant.
C. No, he didn’t spend too much money.
Did Tony have any problems?
A. No, he had a wonderful vacation.
B. He got food poisoning.
C. He got lost.
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